Friday, November 9, 2012

First Quarter

The first quarter went well, I think. Class discussion was probably the greatest asset towards coming to an understanding of the topics we read about. When people were involved and everyone was making good points, the class discussions were very helpful towards my understanding of the concepts that were brought up. I also like the blogs as a tool for explaining and reading more eloquently, and perhaps previously unarticulated, the thoughts of people in class.
I wasn't a big fan of the group work in that it many times was substituted for class discussion when I would have preferred to discuss as a large group. With less frequency, I would enjoy the group work more and get more out of it I think. As a main way to work and talk through the points raised in our books, I think the group work is not great.
It was a good quarter, dealing with what seem to be the biggest questions in life. I hope that we continue to discuss these points and reach new levels of understanding.

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