Thursday, October 11, 2012

Candide's punishments

Candide killed people in self defense. So he should not be punished. He acted as he knew best, which, at the time, was murder. Er, killing. But hold on. He killed that Jew guy just for being an ashhole (to use Matthew's euphemism) to Cunegonde. so that one, maybe we blame him for. And then he just kind of turned around and slayed the Inquisitor. So that two against Candide. He killed the two monkeys that were lovers of the girls. This was just trying to do the right thing, but still. Love lost because of Candide. SO thats now a few people/monkeys. Candide has been punished by not getting to see Cunegonde. And he keeps killing people until he will get to see her. Is it possible that he is not being allowed to see her because he keeps killing? Like the Inquisitor and his earthquake quick-fix, Candide just might be causing this evil against him to continue. He deserves any punishment levied against him. Candide has barely been punished, really. Considering the awful things that happen to people in this story, Candide is getting off easy. He has all of his limbs, both of his buttocks are intact, he hasn't been violated by anyone, and he still has a woman who inexplicably loves him, despite the whole murderer vibe he has going on. Also Candide ruins lives. No one has really enjoyed their time with Candide and furthermore, most people he meets die somehow. Candide deserves all punishments he gets.

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