Thursday, October 4, 2012

How do we know what we know?

Knowledge is relative to environment. The mind can rationalize and convince itself, in a more conscious way, that one reality is "more real" in a sense. So the knowledge of the physical world around us is only knowable within the confines of that physical world. The mind is a miracle of evolution and every part of it was created for a purpose, to play on the generally accepted Christian doctrine of God's plan. The mind is a wondrous instrument in that it can delude us into thinking that while lying on a park bench we  are in fact laying on a bed of roses inside of a castle in the sky. The mind has shown clear possibilities to create realities that differ fundamentally from the generally accepted reality that most people agree upon. This reality, that shares the same laws of physics and the same mathematics where 2 and 2 is 4, has boundaries of knowledge, but in the inherent quality of boundaries there are inherent truths. A child is instructed to not go into a dark, decrepit house because these humble, albeit downtrodden, abodes have repeatedly shown themselves to be dangerous through the (can we say sacrifices?) experiences of those unlucky people who have had bad times in ramshackle establishments. We know what we know in this physical reality our mind has reasoned out to be true by  experience within that reality. Believing that there is more to reality than simple physics, as it must have been created by something at some point, I think that these realities may simply be homes for energy that has and always will exist. The only thing that can't be destroyed, only transferred from one form to another, as proven through scientific experience, is energy. This energy of life and reality has manifested in our physical world and the experience of that physical world, however much of a proxy for true energy in the universe it may be, is the only existence we have. Our reasoning comes from our minds, which are only reliable for our perceived best interests, and therefore experience must be trusted above all else.


  1. wow what a great post! Just awesome. Perfect argument. Excellently written.

  2. Despite the fact that you commented on your own post...I would like to say that I agree with you. What we know is based on experience; there's no other plausible argument.
