Thursday, October 25, 2012

The meaning of life

Every person exists in a universe that doesn't care about anyone's death. When I die it won't matter to the universe and I will eventually be forgotten. So in this sense my life is meaningless: it means nothing whether or not I die, to the universe at least. BUT within this uncaring universe I exist with other people. I can experience pleasure in my life and I can derive enjoyment from many things including the enhancement, artificial and meaningless as it probably is, of other people's lives. Meaning in life can be defined in these two ways and both are necessary and valid. Life means something in its self-contained, imaginary way. Pleasure, in essence, is the source of happiness in life. We seek a pleasurable existence, from which we derive happiness, from which we derive meaning. Happiness gives meaning to the universally meaningless life of a person.
The reason to live, as the absurdist says according to Mr. McCarthy, is revolt/change. We have this life so we should use it to make life more pleasurable for ourselves and others. In this seeking of pleasure and happiness we derive meaning for OURSELVES. To the universe, I don't mean anything. But my life has meaning in happiness. That happiness is meaning.

If happiness isn't meaning in life then what is? Being God? Getting into heaven? We don't need those constructs or ideals because we can live our lives as happy, existing people. Muersault simply exists and enjoys certain things, yet he describes his life and the things he does as meaningless. He decided to not consider that happiness to be meaningful in this grand sense of the universal meaning. He could just as easily decide to find that happiness meaningful and he wouldn't be imagining this happiness, and it wouldn't be any less meaningful in his life, because he decided to make it meaningful. The two kinds of meaning as I see them here are universal meaning (death and nothingness for every person, but still life) and meaning in personal existence. The latter is a meaning within society that can be as real as one wishes it to be. This makes it false to the universe but the universe does not define anyone's life, as it doesn't care anyway. A self-contained life in which meaning is found to the individual is as meaningful as a life in which we can get into heaven or become part of the universe.

1 comment:

  1. Nothing matters ever, there's no meaning to life at all. I can see this is really upsetting you, but you have to face facts that your whole life is insignificant.
